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quinta-feira, 6 de julho de 2017

Consultas de Tarot são sérias por favor respeite meu trabalho

"Ei querida, eu confirmei outro contrato de $ milhões.
Você conseguiu aquele trabalho de magia grátis?
Uhmm... onde você está, querida?
Imagem: Cutting light
Artista by Erik Johansson - Sweden

Pessoal, por favor ao contatar alguém sejam sérios e lembrem que outas pessoas também estão trabalhando, portanto precisamos as vezes fazer comentários muito sérios sobre o que fazemos. 

O que é tão difícil para as pessoas conseguirem? Eu digo, pessoas que esperamos ter um cérebro.

Não, não, não! Por favor, não entre em contato comigo pedindo consultas gratuitas. Este é o meu trabalho! Se você realmente precisa e não tem condições, use o Google para encontrar muitos sites para isso que vão ajudar pessoas em necessidade.

Eu não sou o único com esses problemas. Entenda, nós também somos humanos, com uma vida pessoal para manter. Entende isso?

Eu sou uma pessoa normal como qualquer um, não um super-fantástico como alguns se promovem. Pegue isto. Certifique-se de que também tive momentos de necessidade como qualquer pessoa, então eu entendo isso, mas usei essas opções também e sobrevivi.

Já faço muitos trabalhos de caridade que eu escolho e tenho a grande oportunidade de compartilhar a sério com amigos mais próximos também.

Lista de amigos nas redes sociais: Não adiciono pessoas com perfis quase vazios nem se a sua lista de amigos está privada e, portanto, não tenho ideia de onde você veio.

Não estou disponível para bater papo no messenger, vídeo, Whatsapp ou qualquer outra coisa.

Entenda, se você é uma pessoa desconhecida para mim, ,conversar sobre magia, ocultismo, seus problemas e necessidades trata-se portanto de serviço profissional da minha parte. Ou seja, é uma consulta formal. 

As pessoas que me conhecem sabem que, mesmo que apareça online no Facebook, isso não significa que tenho tempo para conversar com as pessoas. Não estou apenas assistindo a belas imagens de filhotes, na maioria das vezes estou em algum debate em grupo. Então realmente pouco tempo com quem eu nunca falei sem pelo menos uma apresentação decente. Com certeza gosto de conversar com pessoas que já conheço daqui ou dos fóruns e temos contato prévio.

Então, por favor, em vez de um simples "Olá" esperando uma resposta rápida, adicione uma frase dizendo claramente o que você deseja perguntar de uma vez. Seja explícito e isso vai economizar tempo meu e seu. Se você apenas disser "pode ​​falar agora?" na maioria das vezes você não receberá uma resposta exceto o link do meus site para Consultas Formais. 

Já expliquei no blog que posto muito material sobre magia nos fóruns, então se você quiser instruções sobre magia, vá lá ou pense seriamente em obter consultoria pessoal.

Se você pensa que é famoso mas sugere pagar com "recomendações", vá comprar uma casa (escolhida por mim) com essas tais "indicações e recomendações" de merda e me dê uma casa, carro ou muitos clientes que paguem corretamente provando que suas referências são realmente boas. Na prática, isso é só ser muito rude e tentando uma consulta grátis. Então para esses espertalhões querendo consulta de graça deveriam pensar se os seus problemas são profundos, realmente sérios e precisam de um trabalho sério. Mas de forma alguma será de graça.

Este é o meu trabalho e não estou fazendo um trabalho barato para as pessoas, preciso de meu tempo e foco.

Se você acha que tem um caso decente, mostre que é sério e use a página de contato do meu blog.

E se você "apenas" quer "saber" se posso ajudar com meus serviços para você, na maioria das vezes posso de alguma forma. Mas, novamente, você está apenas tentando uma consulta grátis. Então, por favor, acesse a página de consultas formais.

Certamente não vou amaldiçoar ninguém por causa disso, exceto as pessoas que são muito rudes. E eu tenho meus compromissos formais, então se eu responder qualquer coisa sobre o assunto, assegure-se de que falarei 100% verdade mas não espere serviços formais maiores de graça.

Eu ajudo quem busca com sinceridade. 



domingo, 25 de junho de 2017

Receiving Oracle Skills by Initiation.

Be sure giving the Key is not a physical act only.
Photo: Unknown author.

Receiving Oracle Skills by Initiation.


How become instantly good with oracles due some occult supernatural ways. 

Learning a more complex oracle, like the Tarot, Runes, I-Ching, etc. is something that demand study, practice, research in other related areas according with the oracle being studies, etc.

Just to make simple comment, I'm using more the Tarot as an example. 
The first most people learn is a general meaning to each card, rune and some basic spreads to place the cards and have some kind of reply. Most of people don't do much more and only expect to be using their own natural intuition for that.
Even if the person have a gift of birth like vidence, this does not add so much. All they have are ideas or visions and will deal accordingly their life experience only to understand what they see.
So the next needed is to start a more former study about each card, not only the basic meanings, but some of the idea each card express and how it is related to the others. Is here people start to understand more about the real way the oracle works. This will add a lot to understand the ideas and how intuition may help too, and to get more complex understanding and relations amog

The following, is learning about the inner symbols of the cards, planets, astrological signs, numbers, elemental correspondences and so on.
This is just about technical aspects.
The other to develop is the own intuition capabilities, learn more about other areas to understand more about people, society, etc.
So this is a wide area to study for sure.

There's the possibility to increase that throught initiations. To access other levels and discover more areas and this way improve the reading capability.
For sure this is not something like "instant learning" nor "instant vidence" capabilities. 

Many see initiation just as a rite to get a diploma, many may think this is an instant miracle way for new super-powers.

Initiation at basic levels, is just to become in contact with some kind of knowledge.
This is the human level.

But at the higher spiritual levels, the initiation is a process to receive a kind of key.

You must see the idea of "key" just as something that may connect you to something.

Like opening a door to you.
BUT, see, the door just is opened, you still need to enter by your legs and learn what is behind that point.

Get this? Is not an instant capability.

You will just receive the key, or a connection to a resource at the other realms.
If you was working to prepare for it, for sure you will see results faster, but again, this is why you already have done all the previous needed work.

So you will enter there, entire new realms and possibilities and see by yourself to learn.
Some will have a lot to learn, others will be ready for that.
Anyways, they was in the merit to receive it despite how much practice.
Yes, even without so much practice some people may have the needed merit, just need more hard practice that often happens very fast.

I may give to someone an intiation to an oracle or something else, but still there are the need to work with it, practice and study. Before and after.

This is why some people may receive such initiation and have a jump on their skills: they was just working and was ready to receive a better resource.

And no, no, no, do not even think to ask for that. This is not something to buy too.
Yes, too often some people try and they received only what they deserved... Sorry...
You can buy a diploma, but never the merit or real skills.

I may give such initiations by my own to the ones who deserved the merit. Never to the ones who asked. They was just fooled by themselves.
I give such initiations sometimes, when the disciple/student is really ready.
Some have tryed to be "opportunists" and received just a fake key pointing into their own darkness. Betrayers! They even received a "mystic name" from me. To these ones,, as they are vampires out of light, such names was just what they never had done and what they have to discover to deserve what they asked for. A bill for life at most.
I'm looking at both sides, Uhm?

Remember the phrase: "When te disciple is ready the master comes"?
Is this.
You can't ask for it.
It may happens to you someday if you keep walking and do your own homework.

And this can happens in two basic ways:
1) Meeting someone who will give the keys and will be an incredible experience.
2) Astral initiation. Uhm something like at someday or night, you receive a vision, or the sky opens up and you see a big flame or spirit/angel and they will give it to you.
Yes, it really happens this way, I had some and will be only yours as you keep the work.

Some formal Orders do a nice work to give the keys to the ready ones . But even there you must do the work.
So, study, practice, take notes, improve yourself. Sometime when you are ready that will happens.



Reading for Yourself. How Ensure Objectivity in Personal Readings? Some notes.

Mirror Gazing. As an oracle too, what you see?
Unkonow photo author.

Someone questioned: I sometimes find it difficult to be objective when we do personal readings. So, my question is: how do you ensure objectivity in personal readings? I usually write it down in the third person as if I were speaking to someone else. Other methods?

My Reply:

At any oracle, Tarot, Runes, etc. a reading to someone else or just for yourself must be objective. 

Think on Meditation and Therapy.

Yes. something I found to be needed is therapy.

So is needed to be as most as possible like a third person, even about yourself. 

Meditation will lead into yourself. And what you will find there? Ego, traumas, a lot of personal problems and even from past lives to deal with.

Well, you can become a hero and deal with all that alone.

But there are a lot of methods that help to learn faster and will help to deal and even cleanup all that mess.

A good therapy is a very valuable resource.

Many schools use that and yes, many cases are well resolved with psychologists.
Ok, have some patience with the psychologists too.  :rofl

Once I got a female psychologist, and I commented to her some of my occult background. The result was funny: she had a real strong fear from me. She always used to keep at the opposite side of the room and each time she gave a reply, she used to say something like "I ask permission to all your degrees to suggest that... blah-blah-blah...". At third meeting she was presenting me some texts and books about the "crazy ones genious in history" and suggesting to introduce psychotropic drugs...  LOL...

So I moved to another one, and just presented what I was in need to work, but no information about occult works. The guy did a fantastic specific work in just [b]two [/b]one hour meetings. Dot.

There are a lot of alternative therapies. As a sannyasin, I did a lot and my Master Osho told just this about, the need of cleaning, improving yourself and to save a lot of time.

Just to note, at the alternative therapies area, there are a lot of formal practices like the ancient Ayurvedic medicine, acupunture, Gurdjeff, etc, etc., that at many western countries still are not formally recognized, even with thousands years of practice.
And there are many workshops to work on specific areas of life, some last 2-3 days and even more, when people usually goes to some place and stay there doing an immersion to work that. For sure, the results vary a lot for each one accordingly your concioussness level and what you are working with.

Most of times, the good workshops with formal trained therapists do more in few days than you will get instead of working alone for a long time. Some of that workshops may be at easy levels while others may present workings where you will be really and deep faced with the possibility of dealing with deeper points.
In my specific case, I missed the opportunity to go to Poona in India while Osho was alive for the stupidest reason: a marriage and accepting due the wrong reasons the opinion of my ex-wife. Ok, I paid to learn that. But I never gave up and continued.
I learned that our personal development is above anything. No one will compensate for your work of self-evolution, just yourself.
I remember Osho used to say that when it comes to your own evolution, your personal work of consciousness, you must be selfish. No one will do it for you, only yourself. Ok, you can try to sell your soul, and lack the evolution.  LOL...
This is that always helped a lot to keep my faith, despite all the problems and even at the most difficult times.
So I continued and I had the opportunity to be at a Ashran with my Master in the Andes mountains, an entire month each year for many times in the 90s, and that was an immersive experience of workshops one after other in the mountain and the woods. Each workshopt was 2-3 days of extreme experiences. The ones who was easy got nice results. Yes, always there are a lot of people who are just mystics and so easy. Others who went deep, have meet big results. What about learn to run in the woods, having to climb a mountain running, blindfolded and with instructors actually chasing you and really hard beating you with wood sticks? I say really serious spanking. No masochism, that guys was really great. Think about to run like that in the middle of large bushes full of thorns that hurts a lot. Yes, we did that at very risk places like ravins and pits. Add to this all the spiritual part. And in my case, the contact with spirits I started many times before. If you had read some of Castaneda works, is this I'm talking. Near same kind of teaching. That school had some very related works and this means, no choice to error. Glad we never had see even a broken leg even with all extreme risk. Only many scrapes and cuts on the skin. One teaching I have for myself was if choose to give up facing the problems may hurt more in the rest of your life. I learned to run where there was no way.
Before someone ask, I fully give thanks to the teachings I experienced and did by myself, but the schools become something very soft later, the instructors I knew have gone and today it appears more like a nice SPA resort for rich people after spiritual tourism.  Still a nice place to visit and some of the current soft works can be interesting to who is not after a fashion life style.

When you take the Tarot for you, remember this is about having some better understanding about yourself.

This is what you will find in a personal reading. You.

Are you ready to look to yourself?

Something I disagree with others is about consider all posible card interpretations. As an oracle reader, you must develop your vision and have just one interpretation to each case.
For sure, this take time to learn, with practice and study.

But what is the right answer? Usually the first idea you get in your mind. Not what you get one second later.
You must be able to get the first impression, like a "flash" of light. That is the reply when working with any oracle.

But you is the one who have to accept what you see.

And trust me, by personal experience, this can be painfull sometimes, just because what the oracle sometime will point is not what you want.

To give an idea as an example too:
A practice I did in the past, is a shamanic method of self healing.
In this case, to heal your eyes if you use glasses.
I use it.
The practice is simple: think the source of the eyes health problems is just because you does not want to see something, nor accept something. In resume, our eyes troubles most often cames due our mind refuse to accept what is seen. This is the general idea.
So you have to compromise yourself and say: "I accept to see and I want to see all I don't want to see".
It's a daily practice. I removed my glasses more and more until I was for many months without wearing glasses.
BUT, see, I started to see a lot I was not wanting to see.
This means, you will see the world, the people, your life, any aspects.

And I became to suffer with that.
I already commented about not being masochist in another posts during personal healing practices nor at any therapy.
Well, after many months I was seeing too much about everything. My senses and visions about people and anything extended to a level I was really unaware to deal. I found a lot more behind all that I was not seeing. Most that was not important to solve nor desirable.
So I stopped with it. And yes, I'm kept fully aware from all that if needed.

Well, the Dalai Lama wear glasses, uhm?

Ok, this is one idea. You may use the oracle and ask to see.
This is why is a very good idea always to do a prayer and invoke a specific angel/spirit/deity to work with you on the reading.
This way you are not only on your knowledge as they will talk with you, develop your intuition.

But you have to ask to see and work to be able to accept what you see, no matters how much you dislike it.

Be sure my human part really hate many readings I do for myself.
One more reason sometimes I ask to others to do a reading for me, even beginners.
My human part need a check, no matters how good I know to be on my oracles and all the feedback I receive, still is my human part, and our mind can cheat us.

The lust for results.

This is one very important aspect about "personal readings": lust for results.

A good reply is when the oracle point a "no way" result.
Ok, you must be able to accept the reply and what is shown. Or be stupid to follow even when the oracle show a problem if you continue.

But there is something that can drive any one into nuts.

So, as I remember for now, there are at least two replies we may get from the oracle that we really dislike:
"Not yet".
"Wait. Things are going to change".

That is a shit!
And why?

You are doing all you can, using all teachings you received while working to change or make something happens.
And you deep need or want that to happens.

Here, the only I have to say is: have patience.

Oh shit!!!!

But sometimes is very hard to have patience when all kind of troubles are knocking at your door.
Or you are working for a long time to get something.

There's something to do?
Yes. One thing I learned is to be humble and talk to others who are on the path. The people who you know are already doing the work.
Remember, you are not alone.

May be some day you will be so high you will be be alone in the highest mountain.
And guess what? You won't be alone if you remember you can talk with the trees, the birds, the mountain himself.
They will talk with you too, just learn to listen.

Birds like to do gossip. This is what they are doing at the trees in the morning and at the eventide.
One more reason I have a place with food to the birds in my garden. They comment about everything they see in the town.
Pay attention to them. Is a way to learn their language.

But anyways, we are humans. I'm not so leveled up to just let any worry.

I survived to many hard events. But I'm human.
Glad I had people to talk with.
And always my full thanks to all who have helped, that is really priceless and never will be forgotten.

So to resume about your personal readings: work to cleanup your life history, develop your intuition, be ready to listen and as possible, get the first message and have a second view from someone else to compare with your results.
This will add power to your readings for other people too as you discover the best is to be clear with them about yourself.
If  you are clear, no masks, you will be objective and people will discover you is a normal person too. I have the same problems most people have, at all areas, be sure. I just had a lot of experiences that become part of my practices and learning and I can share this without fear.
Discovering yourself is part of becoming true.



Leia também: 

Consultas e atividades com Gilberto Strapazon

Consultas e Trabalhos em Magia - Portuguese text

Readings and Magic Works - English text
